Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where's your feather boa, Drama Queen?

I had a friend many, many, many years ago. Apparently, I meant a lot more to him than he did to me. He was kind of rude and snappy and criticized me constantly. And he lied. All the time. It was high school and that felt a lot more normal than it does now. Well, obviously, now I wouldn't let anyone treat me like that for 2 minutes.

Over the years, this friend wandered in and out of my life. After age 16 we never lived in the same town. He did date a friend of mine for about 10 or 12 minutes. But it didn't work out. So, she and I moved on.

He flitted in and out of my life and I'll admit that I was a little less than kind. In fact, that's part of why I stopped talking to him. He treated me like I was his kid sister. He would actually say things like, "You're growing up!" When I was 28. Need I tell you how I felt about that? Things in my life got busy and I didn't have the money for long-distance phone calls (remember those?) and I quit checking my free email account. He may have emailed me, but I didn't respond because I didn't check it. He probably took that personally.

Many, many drama-free years later and I have a blog. A public blog that anyone can read. I'm careful that I don't put my full name or name my employer and all that, but it's obvious that it's me. No biggie. So, all my friends comment and I used to let anyone comment. First I added the captcha/word recognition because I got tired of people trying to sell me cat furniture (my favorite). Then, I posted about a movie and I got a bizarre response about ex-girlfriends getting VD. WTF?!?!??! It turns out that it was a line from a movie that I'd mentioned and it was the first quote on IMDB. So, someone went on there and copied that down and commented anonymously. How lame is that. So I took off the option to comment anonymously. And also, because I can't let things go and because it seriously creeped me out, I checked site meter. Bonehead is the ONLY person I know in that town.

Every so often, I check sitemeter and I noticed that Buttscratch, USA checks my blog EVERY SINGLE DAY. First, get a feed reader or something! And then, I know it's his way of driving past my house. He's too far away to do it physically. And checking to see if my friend is there with me and if I mention her and if we mention him... it's all too creepy to express. It sounds really conceited and paranoid, but he's done things like that in the past.

So, drama ensues. He comments on all of our friends' blogs and someone finally gets fed up. And tells him to go away. So he disables comments and writes the meanest, most hateful post ever. Meant to hurt others. Hurt them by twisting words of their friends. That kind of hateful.

So... what do I do?
  1. Obviously, I need to be an adult and not check his blog. Really. Never.
  2. Quit checking my sitemeter unless some (different) freak comments or something
  3. Don't respond if he comments on my blog. Don't. Comment.
  4. Quit trying to "understand." There is something wrong with him. Pray for him, wish him well, but don't try to befriend him again. Or tie things up neatly (you know, that word).
Here's something else. In all of these years (20!) it never occurred to me that there might be something really wrong with him. Other than severe jackassedness. Could he have a personality disorder? I know that I'm not a psychiatrist, but it could be possible, right? If so, how does that change it?
  1. Does that make me feel better or worse? Not sure
  2. Am I allowed to be as angry about the mean things he says? Yep
  3. Does this make it easier to accept that there really is something wrong and I need to just move on? Probably
  4. Does this help validate the feelings that I had that there really was something wrong and potentially dangerous about him? Do I need to answer that one?
If you're new, you may not know that I'm bipolar. I'm "crazy" my own self. I am not a danger to myself or others. I am being and have been treated. I know other people who are in similar situations. There are differences, though. Of course, there is also the established history of behavior with him.

So... take a deep breath... and be a GROWN UP!

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