Monday, June 30, 2008

Bipolar medications and birth defects

[Update: I ended up taking a combination of lithium and Lamictal while pregnant.  My son was born at 36 1/2 weeks because of a heart arrhythmia that was ironically not related to the lithium or Ebstein's Anomaly.  He spent 16 days in the hospital, first in the cardiovascular ICU and then the regular NICU.  He came home before his original due date.  Initially, some of his gross motor skills were delayed, but that was attributed to being tied to his bed for 2 weeks.  At nearly 2 he is right on track with most developmental things, ahead on a few. Who knows how and why things turned out the way that they did, but I feel that we played the odds and won.  And even if we could, we're not going to have another.  We're not going to get greedy. --CTS, Jan/2013]

This is just a place for me to put together some of the information I've found so far.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):

Incidence of birth defects while using drugs vs. no drug*

* Remembering that no drugs ≠ good idea

Lamictal: risk of cleft palate
  • without medication: 0.50-2.16 per 1000
  • with Lamictal: 8.9 per 1000
  • FDA: "The clinical significance of the currently unconfirmed association between lamotrigine and oral clefts remains uncertain pending further data collection in pregnancy registries or through other research."
  • Lamictal info from NAMI

Lithium: risk of Ebstein's Anomaly (serious heart valve problem--multimedia library) info from NAMI:
  • without lithium: 0.05 per 1,000 (1 in 20,000)
  • with lithium: 0.5-1.0 per 1,000 (10-20 in 20,000)
  • Obviously, that a huge increase over the general population, but much less than the risk of cleft palate with Lamictal (8.9 per 1,000)

For comparison: risk of Down Syndrome
  • at age 35: 1 in 350 (2.9 per 1,000)

  • FDA: "The NAAED Pregnancy Registry has previously established an association between major malformations and the antiepileptic drugs phenobarbital and valproate."

Throw these numbers into the Num-BO-tronic 2008 and it spits out:
  • Cleft palate (Lamictal): 8.9 per 1000
  • Ebstein's Anomaly (Lithium): 0.5-1.0 per 1,000
  • Down Sydrome (age 35-40): 2.9-10 per 1,000

  • Lamictal's risk of cleft palate is higher than lithium's risk of Ebstein's Anomaly and Down Syndrome (until age 40)
  • Lithium is my first choice. You know, after the world where I'm surrounded by flowers and puppies and I don't have a mood disorder.
This was so hard to put together. I am okay with numbers and all, but then I start picturing a baby. Our baby. And I can't focus on the surgeries and all of that. We can research and know that we live near some amazing hospitals for children. And just pray that our baby turns out okay. So we can harm him or her in all the normal parental screw-up kinds of ways.


"Constance-1-M" said...

Needing meds isn't going to change.

I can promise you that wanting a baby ~ won't change anytime soon either. Once you get that itch it stays until you scratch it.

Talk to your OB about the risks, but there are no guarantees in either direction. No one has a perfect pregnancy & no one behaves JUST RIGHT for 10 months ~ the fact that any kid comes out with all the pieces relatively intact is a miracle. 1 in a thousand means that there is a 99% chance means the baby will be fine ~ and if not, then you'll deal with that once s/he's here.

You'll make a great mom ~ worrying about what effect your decisions will have on them proves that ;)

Constance 50 said...

I know how hard this is! You will do what's best for you and be fine. I believe that there is no one answer for everyone.

It's so ugh, yuck, I know. xo

Constance the Super said...


I can't tell you how much your words mean to me!

Constance the Super

Unknown said...

My husband and I had our first psychiatrist appt. yesterday to discuss getting pregnant. I wanted all the info before we even thought about starting a family. I have been diagnosed with bipolar for about 10 years and have been on everything there is. I am on lithium and seroquel right now and the doctor wants me to take Lamictal instead (I have been on lamictal before and liked it okay, though i felt sick to my stomach all of the time) My concern is being on this drug the whole pregnancy and somehow hurting my baby. She did not sound the least bit concerned with the risks. She said 68% of women who aren't on meds during the pregnancy will have manic episodes and that can cause major problems. I guess I am just worried about the first trimester. I need to hear a bunch of women say "I did it, I was on Lamictal my entire pregnancy and my baby is healthy, I made the right choice"

Constance the Super said...

Christina, I can totally relate. I don't know if this is helpful, but it helps me to remember that things could go wrong even if I didn't take meds. Hopefully, we'll get pregnant and I'll be able to say how it worked out. I hope that things are going well with you!

Constance the Super said...

P.S. I'm back on Lamictal. AND lithium.