Tuesday, September 22, 2009

No. I don't have any news.

We've been trying to get me pregnant since last spring. Spring a year ago. We did take a few months off last fall when hubby got depressed, but otherwise, we've been doing all the things that you're supposed to. And I'm still not pregnant.

There are approximately 1 million reasons I might not be. I've been to the doctors and all that, so I'm doing what I can do. All I really want to share is that I'm waiting and waiting and waiting, either to pee on a stick or for my period to come. Again.

I hate this. I hate waiting. I wish I could know rather than getting my hopes up for two weeks and then have them crushed. Oh well. It could be worse. I'm just whining.


Swistle said...

I am hoping so hard for you.

Kim said...

I know EXACTLY what you're going through. The first seven months of this year were spent doing fertility treatments for us with no luck at all. Now we're just doing nothing and I'm trying to keep finding reasons to live.
I'm sorry for you.

Constance the Super said...

Thanks, ladies! I'm thinking good thoughts for you, Kim. I wish that you weren't going through this.

Shoeaddict said...

The waiting is so not fun! The constant peeing on a stick and wating to pee on a stick....

I know it'll happen for you soon!!

Constance the Super said...

Not sure if anyone ventures over here anymore, but our beautiful, healthy baby is almost 2 now. Thank you for your encouragement!

Thank you.